The Robinhood Of The Refurbished Tech World

All Great Businesses Start From A GOOD Heart ❤.

From donating thousands of refurbished laptops to children in the midst of a global crisis, to now working with dozens of companies to be the forefront of safe and sustainable solutions to e-waste, that's Simon Howatson (CEO) for you.

Although nearly all electronic waste is recyclable, the world's rising mountain of just e-waste is projected to weigh 57 million tonnes. Because of the chemicals that are generated when e-waste is burnt, this contributes to climate change which causes harm to humans, wildlife, agriculture, and the environment.

“Every business can play a part in facing the challenges of the climate emergency – and we can do it together. We have been at the forefront of safe and sustainable solutions to e-waste since 2016 and we’re looking forward to taking this to the next level under the Born Good banner." - Simon Howatson

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